taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


went for a walk last night, and my mind was just ON, racing thinking...some cliff notes of my thoughts....

i think many people my age suffer from WITHN- what in the hell now? do it all-car house spouse edumication career. what next? we are seeing a life of working 50+ hour weeks just to be able to fufill the american dream, which very well may not me your dream. but doing thins differently isn't se easy, either. my friend karin's started grad school at NYU. and was suprised at how young her class was. in the past (according to her) students were more like 25-28. now a majority are 21-24.only could stand 2 years of working hell. what in the hell now? you don't know? go back to school. i wish i could.

what am i thinking of now? doing web design and work and education for a environmenal organization whose principles mirror mine, hoping to deal with children. or work on climbing gym computer systems (dan built a cool one for granite arch) and teach yoga/climbing also....geez. i don't know. it's tough. but, change is fun.

and i decided to alternate running with yoga in the mornings. ashtanga, more intensive flow style. started practicing yoga for physical aspects, now it is as much for the mental. i used to practice 3-4 times a week, and have let it fall to the wayside. i wish there was a good yoga studio here. i wanna live somewhere where i can take yoga classes, maybe teach and learn more about eastern thought.

these walks are ponderous, enlightening, sometimes profound and often interesting. it's me. i find her here. and iwant to keep her with me all day. who am i? it's wierd how on these walks it all makes sense, i fully understand, and plan. i fear letting these thoughts go, but they always seem to mellow in time...

looks like comments are hard....can't change file permissions on my server, which is necessary for greymatter to work. hmph.

hi dan! dan, you see, he's my husband. :) but i think y'all already know that....


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