taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


well, it's still the same. i spent yesterday futzing with it..changing templates, updating templates...trying to make comments work, adding the links. yesterday it looked different every hour, as i experimented. i found a template i liked (well, as much as you can possibly like a template, which isn't saying much), but couldn't get the comment code to work with the blogger code. then, in the midst of my experiments, IE crashed and refused to open (damn you, microsoft). so, then i tired to fix it in netscape. which led to even more problems. (back in the day, i was a netscape devotee - swore i'd never turn to the dark side. but, i switched to IE a year or so ago, and haven't looked back. am i evil?) anyways...after all that, i gave up and kept it the same. i wish i could host my own site on the avenue13 server, but the company i use to host it uses windows2000 (according to dan) and will not allow me to CHMOD the cgi files. therefore, greymatter and movabletype are out. and i am stuck in blogger land. grrr.

i am scanning my east coast trip pictures, and should have them up by tomorrow (unless something exciting happens tonight to fill up my evening). i may even try to make a photo album that doesn't look like crap.

it's pumpkin ice cream season at gunther's. now, in my family we never had pumpkin pie at thanksgiving. my dad is a chocolate fan. when i was a kid we would go out to dinner and he would sometimes order mud pie - as his dinner. his logic? he would eat dessert even if he ate an entree, therefore he was dieting by just eating dessert. hmm. where was i? oh - so no one ever made pumpkin pie, even at family gatherings. apple pie, carrot cake, ice cream, but no pumpkin. i don't like pumkin pie. the custardy texture isn't for me. the same reason i dislike creme brulee. but when i tried pumpkin ice cream? perfect. the sweet/spicy/cinnamony taste, and creamy, gooey ice cream texture. ah, dessert heaven.

i read a headline about texas insturments. and all i could think of was speak and spell and speak and math. didn't realize the company was still around...


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