taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


if i ever live somewhere where i have to commute in horrendous traffic everyday, someone shoot me. i decided (in an unmistakable flash of pure brilliance) to leave for the climbing gym around 4pm. i live in the city, and the gym in in the 'burbs, about 12 miles away. arriving at 4pm meant that i would be leaving around 5:30pm. coming home the 'reverse' commute isn't too bad, even during rush hour. (that term always bugs me. you.are.not.moving. hello?). today? today that was not the case. it took me 50 minutes to drive 12 miles. that's, oh, an average of 24 miles or so an hour. 24. like the hours in the day. slower than the speed limit on residential streets. how do people do this everyday?? time in the car is wasted - nothing you can do while you sit. well, you CAN do whatever you want - i have seen people reading the newspaper before. i swear. LA style. however, most activities require your hands. and your brain. driving needs those things too. (the brain part is really tough for many people to get the hang of) even at 24 miles an hour. i wonder how many hours the average commuter spends in their car during their lifetime. aside from 'too many'.

what i trite thing to complain about, isn't it?? i am somewhat amazed at the mess our development patterns have created. traffic is everywhere. all the time. slaves to the automobile. thanks, henry ford.

one second is 9,192,631,770 vibrations of a cesium-3 atom. good vibrations.


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