taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


our local NPR station, Capital Public Radio, is now changing to all all talk/news format. i am a happy person. we are even going to get 2 hours of BBC news, along with All Things Considered and Fresh Air. oh, and here is an article and sound clips from the kronos quartet.

another interesting walk last night. i am beginning to love these evening walks more than the dogs. i was thinking about some discussions i had earlier that day with a someone. and the phrase 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'. and then i thought of a project i did in second grade, mrs.stagerwalt's class. (why oh why do i remeber this? i can't remember stuff people tell me 5 minutes later, but my memory of second grade is vivid) where we had to draw a picture of an idiom. mine was 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. i created a scene of a buffed out pen (his arms had big muscles) and a skinny, wimpy sword fighting. in a library, surrounded by stacks of books.

what would it be like to be in a glass house actually throwing stones? imagine a stained glass house, on a bright day, the sun shining through the panes and creating a kaliedioscope of colors on the floor. and taking rocks and hurling them at the windows, shattering them. assuming, of course, that this was non-cutting glass or you were somehow protected from being injured. the brightly colored pieces would rain down around you and the patterns on the floor would shift as the glass fell. it would be a surreal, beautiful experience. not likely, but fun to imagine. sometimes i wonder how i think of this stuff.... :)


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