taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


yeah. this is where i live. that area on the close up map? off freeport , south of braodway?all of these things happened within 5 miles of my house. scary shit. especially after the solstoys murders, what, last week? what is happening to the world?

anyone unforked recently?

starbucks is thirty. in 1993, the year i started college, there were 272 starbucks, none in my small college town. coffee was to be had at linnea's, a funky old shop with mismatched chairs, stacks of old books and national geographics, a chess board (went thru a chess phase in college), and fantastic local art on the walls. homemade desserts (apple crumble pie. the best). great music friday and saturday nights, too. in about 1995 we got our first starbucks. in 1997, our second. the crowds kept coming to linnea's. there were plenty of college kids to patronize the starbucks, but the locals flocked to the downtown coffee shops. ah, life before starbucks. starbucks tries to replicate the feel of the local coffee house, but it just isn't the same. *sigh*


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