taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


i need to run my rambles through spell check...that's what i get for typing whatever is on my mind - typing too quicky.

what i left of what i had to say earlier...
...while i enjoy what i do, something is missing.

missing from my job, perhaps. missing from my thoughts, missing from my life. and i am missing a dream. the first two i had didn't quite make it...i woke up before the end. everything is in a state sleeplessness now.

are you supposed to find satisfaction in what you do have and be grateful for that? or are you supposed to keep seeking until you find that thing, whatever it is, that gives you that complete, utter joy. contentedness. satisfaction? even if the journey there is something much bigger than you can really comprehend right now.

ponderous. really ponderous. thanks for indulging me today. my mind is slighly...oh, muddled.

"hold onto my dreams in a world of people who've stopped." i'm trying. i'm trying.


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