taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


it's raining here. no big news, huh? well, it hasn't rained since may. on september 24 it drizzled. but, on september 24th i was busy getting rained on in rochester. they are serious about weather back there. i don't know if i could hack a winter in the frozen rochester you-can't-leave-your-house tundra. but it's now raining here. real rain. i went running this morning in it. i didn't run fast enough to dodge the raindrops, so i returned soaking wet. (ooo. that was bad. a definite pre-coffee kind of humor there. my apologies.) it was fun. rain is now a novelty to me, it's been so long. rain changes you somehow...the air is different, the sky is different, the whole feel of the day is different.

as a kid, i loved the rain. it was an excuse to jump in puddles and not get yelled at *too* much, and to use an umbrella. i just loved umbrellas - those clear ones with cartoon characters on them. mine had strawberry shortcake. the appeal of being able to walk around with something sheltering you, protecting you from what's out there. seeing the rain come down, knowing you would stay dry. i'd twirl it around. make up umbrella dances. pretend i was gene kelley in 'singing in the rain'. and when i rolled it up, the umbrella became a baton i could twirl.

today i am going to read. and read. and read. and not feel guilty. reading is one of those things you can do in the rain. you have an excuse to. then i may bake some cookies. (quit laughing, all of you who know i don't really cook. can CAN cook, i choose not to, ok?) if you're nice to me, i may just send you some.


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