befuddled. that word is on my brain, in those little foldy things in the grey blob that hold information. and it is making me quite, well, uh, befuddled.
On my way came up with the answers
I scratched my head
And the answers were gone all of you new york drivers i complained about? i take it all back with humble apologies. the new winner of the 'alissa driving critiques' is.... (insert drumroll noise here)..oregonians. saw a couple of accidents, many people driving slow slow slow in the fast fast fast lane. and people drove the speed limit. or slower than the speed limit. now what is that all about? the speed limit is posted so that you know (or at least think you know) that you can get away with driving 5 mph faster than that number. though, in oregon, the signs simply said 'speed 55' not 'speed limit 55'. maybe that has a different psycological effect on people. they pump your gas for you in oregon, too. it's the law. the LAW! the first night in oregon, dan and i were driving around town, trying to figure out why all the gas stations were closed at 9pm. when we finally found an open one, i remembered why. if you're lucky they'll wash your windshield, too. they better, considering gas was $1.88 a gallon. sheesh.
one more war thought. i keep telling myself i need to shut up about this...but...what if we do kill bin laden? how will we know? do you think they will TELL us? and what do we expect from killing him? surrender? i highly doubt they will say 'well, you have killed bin laden. you win. game's over. could you stop dropping those bombs now?' uh, i don't think so. hmm.
off to san diego for a's house tonight, hotel tomorrow and saturday. sleeping places 18 and 19. i like this. maybe i will try sleeping in different rooms of the house, just to keep the trend going. the laundry room is pretty damn small, though. i could camp in the backyard...sleep on the i getting a little carried away? well, yeah. but it would keep sleep interesting....i sleep well in strange places, often better than i do at home. not sure why.
making up for my vacation by overblogging. i will be gone for a few days again, rehersal dinner, shower, wedding...i am the token 'wife of the best man'. but many of my old friends should be there. fun times, i'm sure. at least at the reception. and i have a great dress. and shoes. as long as i don't break my ankle walking in them...