"Television is chewing gum for the eyes." -- Frank Lloyd Wright
tv shows packed with commercials. it's entertaining to see how the commercials are aimed at the target market for the show: diaper commercials during barney, toy commercials during cartoons, depends commercials during jeopardy. (i swear i have learned quite a bit about the misery of old people from watching jeopardy commercials. am i the only one under 65 who watches it?) now they have devised a new way to 'squeeze' in one more commercial during a half hour show. by removing 'extra' frames - maybe when the camera focuses on an unmoving actor or displays a panoramic shot for a few seconds - they can eeke out 30 more seconds. they call it a 'time machine'. certainly not what all of us would wish for when we heard the term 'time machine' - won't let you go back and not say those unwanted words, won't send you into the future to cheat on superbowl bets. just gets you extra commercials.
pardon me, but what bullshit. we are bombarded by enough advertising already. the commercials, on top of strategic product placement in the shows - everything from the music the characters are playing to the brands of cereal on jerry's fridge are really subtle advertisements. now they want to give us more by eliminating what they determine to be unwanted frames? and they call them 'redundant'!? think about a second in time. now remove 1/20th of that second. sure, it's similar, but it's NOT the SAME. how the hell do they get away with this? i have had this taped to my TV (dan insists we have one) for a few years now:
television is a seductive monster that is swallowing more and more of the
most valuable commodity in life - time. in 1960 the average american watched five hours
of televison per day. today, he watches seven hours. teenagers watch about 21 hours per
week, in contrast to 5.6 hours doing homework, 1.8 hours reading and 35 minutes talking
to their parents.
for most americans television is the primary - often the only - source of news. more
American households have television sets (98 percent color) than indoor plumbing. three
out of four households contain at least two sets, and half possess three or more.
yes, i understand that there is 'good' television. but 'not good' television is what is often watched - look at the success of 'temptation island'! next time you sit down in front of the television, mindlessly watching inane characters engaged in silly banter, think about it. would it be nicer to read? listen to music? play music? talk to a friend? if what you really want to do is watch, then do. but examine the alternatives, too. i've always wanted a 'kill your televison' bumper sticker. then i saw one that said 'question your television.' so go question. :)