taking footprints

leave only footprints, take only memories. nah, i am taking my footprints with me.


goddamn blogger. grrrrrrrrr....sorry, if you can read this, you miraculously found your way past the overloaded blogger servers. goal next week: domain name and a place to host this damn thing. i have been putting it off becuase i can't think of the 'perfect' name...maybe i'll page thru the dictionary. or go with treeabode. can't decide if i like that.

i organized my pantry last night. i took a picture of my organizational triumph, but the camera is having problems talking to the computer. i think my technology karma is not very good today.

dan got some deal on a mp3 jukebox that holds 6GB. i took it to the climbing gym the other day to use as a walkman as i climbed. pretty cool - i already have about 20 cds on there, and there is room for many many more. you can also use it to hold data. as i was climbing, i was thinking in amazement, 'i am carrying 6GB on a belt around my waist.' remembering that our old commodore 64 ran on 64KB of ram. amazing. just amazing. where will we be in 15 years?

in the newspaper yesterday, i read about sony's new vaio. comes with 120GB hard drive, a 2.2 pentium proccessor, a combo cd/dvd rewritable drive, and 512 MB of memory. for $2500. which is about what i spent for the dell i currently work on...that came with a 40GB hard drive and 128MB of ram. wow. and it comes with a dvd burner?? mmm...new computers...mmm....


ok, this is weird. first the tree thing is pretty accurate, then i tried the colorgenics thing (yes, i ganked this) the results...too too accurate for me...so strange. yes, it's another post that doesn't require much thought on my part. my brain is tired.

You are a very sensitive person and you try hard - (perhaps a little too hard) - to make favourable impressions and to be recognised by your peers... But you have that inherent need to feel appreciated and admired. You are easily hurt if all of your endeavours go by unappreciated or not acknowledged. stop trying so hard

For some time now you have been feeling rather insecure. You are looking for - and needing - an environment that can offer you roots, stability and a position that will relieve you of excess tension and stress.

Many people will consider you egotistical and full of your own self importance. On the surface you could well give this impression ... and perhaps the reason for this complacent attitude is because at times you indeed have that "short fuse" and quick to take offence.

You are feeling trapped by the situation as it stands at this time and what is more, you feel powerless to remedy it. You are stressful, angry and disgruntled. You feel that everything that you try to do to change the situation is thwarted and your hopes and aspirations all seem to be receding into the ever distant future.You have reached the state where you now doubt whether your dreams will ever be achieved... and this is not only causing mental stress, but heartache. You need to get away from it all ... You need to have time to think ... to recuperate ... to be able to make your own decisions.

You are trying to build up your own position and you resist all external influences. You insist that you are your own person and you will not tolerate any outside interference. Decisive and proud, you are true managerial material...


i can't believe you
you bend your words like uri geller's spoons
not quite safe here
when every judgement
seems to smack of doom

are you OK?
i'm just fine
you take Nanci
for me Loretta's fine

i love using red vines as straws for my juice. then the become gooy soggy and taste good. did some lead climbing tonight. i don't do that often...it was fun stuff. gary larsen is funny. george w. is going to do a hell of a lot of damage in four years. i wish it was april. then may. it usually works that way, doesn't it? i listen to my music way too loud in my car. so nobody can hear me sing. including me. valentines day should be for more than just couples - for everyone you love. are you oookkkaaaayy...i'm just fine...

i don't really have anything interesting to say today. sorry! voila! a boring post. you'll just have to deal until i feel somewhat inspired again. maybe tonight. the only thing on the adgenda is cleaning out the pantry. spent the afternoon cleaning out the fridge. green with envy, aren't you? you can have the moldy salsa verde i found in the back if you'd like...

19 people are coming this weekend for the 'drink the big bottle of wine' party. dan and i were given a bottle of wine equivlant to about 6 bottles - maybe 8. bigger than a double magnum. i'm not sure what it is called. dan's cousin chris, who is the tasting room manager at eberle (why i had the sweet job working there in college) gave it to us. haven't had an occasion to open it - tried last new year's. had a big party. but dan and a whole bunch of people got the flu, so the wine was a no go. sick of waiting for a special occasion, we decided to have a party just for the wine. if we drink it soon, chris will refill it. woo! i just hope it's not corked. cleaning and shopping for the party. i hit up trader joe's to the tune of $129. why do i never get out of that store for under $100? sheesh. it's worse than costco. at trader's i love most of their food. at costco it's easy to avoid all the processed crap they sell in gargantuan quatities. just beverages and orange juice there, food wise.

man, is this an unexciting ramble...off to the climbing gym! more later.

i love npr.


i have a fondness for meaningful quotes. while looking for a symbol representing 'hope' (i love this word), i found this:

Look to this day… In it lies all the realities and verities of existence, the bliss of growth, the splendor of action, the glory of power. For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well-lived, makes every yesteday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. - Sanskrit Proverb

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my birthday is may 13. i know, early to be shopping...but if you have an extra $3500 lying around, i'd love this chair. that or having a live-in massuse. makes the chair seem like a bargain...

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that howie day song from yesterday? the beginning makes me think of a bette midler song from 'some people's lives'. quit laughing. it sounds like the beginning of 'one more round'. i haven't listened to that soundtrack in ages, but somehow my brain connected 'ghost' to it. i swear i have the oddest brain synapses sometimes. go back and listen again. doesn't it?


i bought the 'aware 8' album a few weeks back and i am really digging howie day's 'ghost'. give a listen.

oh, i just love the fact that bush will cut money from social programs so we can have the biggest military budget in 20 years. and the fact that we will once again have a deficit. woo? nah, grr. grr. grr. grr squared. grr to the zillionth power. i think you know what i mean.

went to a superbowl party. not a football fan, but i usually like the commercials and i really wanted to see u2, so i went. brought books and the newspaper to entertain myself. also went on an ice cream run during the game. and walked the dogs. i saw the important parts - u2, the last two minutes of the game, and many lame commercials with a few good ones thrown in. what happened to all of the funny ones? i had to explain the kevin bacon commercial to my dad on the phone last night...i don't even know if he knew who kevin bacon was, let alone the six degrees of kevin bacon. i wonder how many people didn't get that commercial?

britney spears looks horrible with white-blonde hair.

u2 is too classy to play the superbowl. i thought they did a good job, though. when they displayed the names of the 9 11 victims at their concert they were singing 'one'...which i preferred - made it much more poignant. for the superbowl, however, 'where the streets have no name' was more appropriate...everyone i was watching the superbowl with went in the other room to watch the playboy playmates on 'fear factor' (needless to say, they were all guys), so i got to watch u2 myself on the 'big screen'. dan's coworkers had borrowed the 'in focus' projector from work and projected the superbowl onto a wall of their apartment, with surround sound and all. they missed out. but, if they prefer half naked skinny chicks with silicone breasts eating flies to bono and the edge, well, that's their choice. :)

since the commercials were disappointing this year. at least the game had some excitement. we laughed in the car on the way to the superbowl party how they fixed it so the patriots would win so that it would keep with the 'all american' superbowl theme...hmmm. all-american, yet the two showcased musical acts were english and irish. i found that interesting.